Hardcover, format 220 x 290 mm, 334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations.
Data on more than a thousand Russian combat ships and auxiliary vessels are given in this encyclopedic reference book. It was with these ships and vessels that Russia waged the war with Japan in 1904-1905 and with Germany and Turkey in 1914-1917.
For the first time in the home reference literature the Russian ships and vessels are classified here by classes, types and series and not by the theaters of naval operations. Most of the 280 ships' side elevations are presented here for the first time. Information on historical destinies of ships and their performances have been refined considerably.
This encyclopedic reference book provides an accurate estimate of Russian sea-born forces of late XIX - early XX centuries. Considerable study of information contained herein allows definite conclusions refuting many stable historical myths and stereotypes. The Reference book is of primary interest to the readers interested in the history of the Russian Fleet and naval shipbuilding as well as ship model makers.
Programs of construction of the Russian Fleet in 1881-1917
Artillery ships
Fleet battleships, linear battleships, battle cruisers
Belted and protected cruisers
Second rank cruisers
Coast defense battleships
Gun boats
Torpedo ships
Torpedo boats
Torpedo cruisers and torpedo boat destroyers
Mine warfare ships
Torpedo depot ships and mine layers
Net layers
Mine sweepers
Yachts, avisos and patrol vessels
Patrol vessels
Training and transport ships
Training ships
Sea plane carriers
Transport ships
Formal classification of the Russian Fleet ships
Mine and torpedo armament of the Russian Fleet
Russian Fleet Artillery in 1904-1917
Russian Coast Guard
Russian Squadron at Bizerte (1920-24)
Traditional names of Russian ships
Ships' names directory
334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations
Hardcover, format 220 x 290 mm, 334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations.
Data on more than a thousand Russian combat ships and auxiliary vessels are given in this encyclopedic reference book. It was with these ships and vessels that Russia waged the war with Japan in 1904-1905 and with Germany and Turkey in 1914-1917.
For the first time in the home reference literature the Russian ships and vessels are classified here by classes, types and series and not by the theaters of naval operations. Most of the 280 ships' side elevations are presented here for the first time. Information on historical destinies of ships and their performances have been refined considerably.
This encyclopedic reference book provides an accurate estimate of Russian sea-born forces of late XIX - early XX centuries. Considerable study of information contained herein allows definite conclusions refuting many stable historical myths and stereotypes. The Reference book is of primary interest to the readers interested in the history of the Russian Fleet and naval shipbuilding as well as ship model makers.
Programs of construction of the Russian Fleet in 1881-1917
Artillery ships
Fleet battleships, linear battleships, battle cruisers
Belted and protected cruisers
Second rank cruisers
Coast defense battleships
Gun boats
Torpedo ships
Torpedo boats
Torpedo cruisers and torpedo boat destroyers
Mine warfare ships
Torpedo depot ships and mine layers
Net layers
Mine sweepers
Yachts, avisos and patrol vessels
Patrol vessels
Training and transport ships
Training ships
Sea plane carriers
Transport ships
Formal classification of the Russian Fleet ships
Mine and torpedo armament of the Russian Fleet
Russian Fleet Artillery in 1904-1917
Russian Coast Guard
Russian Squadron at Bizerte (1920-24)
Traditional names of Russian ships
Ships' names directory
334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations
Hardcover, format 220 x 290 mm, 334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations.
Data on more than a thousand Russian combat ships and auxiliary vessels are given in this encyclopedic reference book. It was with these ships and vessels that Russia waged the war with Japan in 1904-1905 and with Germany and Turkey in 1914-1917.
For the first time in the home reference literature the Russian ships and vessels are classified here by classes, types and series and not by the theaters of naval operations. Most of the 280 ships' side elevations are presented here for the first time. Information on historical destinies of ships and their performances have been refined considerably.
This encyclopedic reference book provides an accurate estimate of Russian sea-born forces of late XIX - early XX centuries. Considerable study of information contained herein allows definite conclusions refuting many stable historical myths and stereotypes. The Reference book is of primary interest to the readers interested in the history of the Russian Fleet and naval shipbuilding as well as ship model makers.
Programs of construction of the Russian Fleet in 1881-1917
Artillery ships
Fleet battleships, linear battleships, battle cruisers
Belted and protected cruisers
Second rank cruisers
Coast defense battleships
Gun boats
Torpedo ships
Torpedo boats
Torpedo cruisers and torpedo boat destroyers
Mine warfare ships
Torpedo depot ships and mine layers
Net layers
Mine sweepers
Yachts, avisos and patrol vessels
Patrol vessels
Training and transport ships
Training ships
Sea plane carriers
Transport ships
Formal classification of the Russian Fleet ships
Mine and torpedo armament of the Russian Fleet
Russian Fleet Artillery in 1904-1917
Russian Coast Guard
Russian Squadron at Bizerte (1920-24)
Traditional names of Russian ships
Ships' names directory
334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations
Hardcover, format 220 x 290 mm, 334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations.
Data on more than a thousand Russian combat ships and auxiliary vessels are given in this encyclopedic reference book. It was with these ships and vessels that Russia waged the war with Japan in 1904-1905 and with Germany and Turkey in 1914-1917.
For the first time in the home reference literature the Russian ships and vessels are classified here by classes, types and series and not by the theaters of naval operations. Most of the 280 ships' side elevations are presented here for the first time. Information on historical destinies of ships and their performances have been refined considerably.
This encyclopedic reference book provides an accurate estimate of Russian sea-born forces of late XIX - early XX centuries. Considerable study of information contained herein allows definite conclusions refuting many stable historical myths and stereotypes. The Reference book is of primary interest to the readers interested in the history of the Russian Fleet and naval shipbuilding as well as ship model makers.
Programs of construction of the Russian Fleet in 1881-1917
Artillery ships
Fleet battleships, linear battleships, battle cruisers
Belted and protected cruisers
Second rank cruisers
Coast defense battleships
Gun boats
Torpedo ships
Torpedo boats
Torpedo cruisers and torpedo boat destroyers
Mine warfare ships
Torpedo depot ships and mine layers
Net layers
Mine sweepers
Yachts, avisos and patrol vessels
Patrol vessels
Training and transport ships
Training ships
Sea plane carriers
Transport ships
Formal classification of the Russian Fleet ships
Mine and torpedo armament of the Russian Fleet
Russian Fleet Artillery in 1904-1917
Russian Coast Guard
Russian Squadron at Bizerte (1920-24)
Traditional names of Russian ships
Ships' names directory
334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations
Hardcover, format 220 x 290 mm, 334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations.
Data on more than a thousand Russian combat ships and auxiliary vessels are given in this encyclopedic reference book. It was with these ships and vessels that Russia waged the war with Japan in 1904-1905 and with Germany and Turkey in 1914-1917.
For the first time in the home reference literature the Russian ships and vessels are classified here by classes, types and series and not by the theaters of naval operations. Most of the 280 ships' side elevations are presented here for the first time. Information on historical destinies of ships and their performances have been refined considerably.
This encyclopedic reference book provides an accurate estimate of Russian sea-born forces of late XIX - early XX centuries. Considerable study of information contained herein allows definite conclusions refuting many stable historical myths and stereotypes. The Reference book is of primary interest to the readers interested in the history of the Russian Fleet and naval shipbuilding as well as ship model makers.
Programs of construction of the Russian Fleet in 1881-1917
Artillery ships
Fleet battleships, linear battleships, battle cruisers
Belted and protected cruisers
Second rank cruisers
Coast defense battleships
Gun boats
Torpedo ships
Torpedo boats
Torpedo cruisers and torpedo boat destroyers
Mine warfare ships
Torpedo depot ships and mine layers
Net layers
Mine sweepers
Yachts, avisos and patrol vessels
Patrol vessels
Training and transport ships
Training ships
Sea plane carriers
Transport ships
Formal classification of the Russian Fleet ships
Mine and torpedo armament of the Russian Fleet
Russian Fleet Artillery in 1904-1917
Russian Coast Guard
Russian Squadron at Bizerte (1920-24)
Traditional names of Russian ships
Ships' names directory
334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations
Hardcover, format 220 x 290 mm, 334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations.
Data on more than a thousand Russian combat ships and auxiliary vessels are given in this encyclopedic reference book. It was with these ships and vessels that Russia waged the war with Japan in 1904-1905 and with Germany and Turkey in 1914-1917.
For the first time in the home reference literature the Russian ships and vessels are classified here by classes, types and series and not by the theaters of naval operations. Most of the 280 ships' side elevations are presented here for the first time. Information on historical destinies of ships and their performances have been refined considerably.
This encyclopedic reference book provides an accurate estimate of Russian sea-born forces of late XIX - early XX centuries. Considerable study of information contained herein allows definite conclusions refuting many stable historical myths and stereotypes. The Reference book is of primary interest to the readers interested in the history of the Russian Fleet and naval shipbuilding as well as ship model makers.
Programs of construction of the Russian Fleet in 1881-1917
Artillery ships
Fleet battleships, linear battleships, battle cruisers
Belted and protected cruisers
Second rank cruisers
Coast defense battleships
Gun boats
Torpedo ships
Torpedo boats
Torpedo cruisers and torpedo boat destroyers
Mine warfare ships
Torpedo depot ships and mine layers
Net layers
Mine sweepers
Yachts, avisos and patrol vessels
Patrol vessels
Training and transport ships
Training ships
Sea plane carriers
Transport ships
Formal classification of the Russian Fleet ships
Mine and torpedo armament of the Russian Fleet
Russian Fleet Artillery in 1904-1917
Russian Coast Guard
Russian Squadron at Bizerte (1920-24)
Traditional names of Russian ships
Ships' names directory
334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations
Hardcover, format 220 x 290 mm, 334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations.
Data on more than a thousand Russian combat ships and auxiliary vessels are given in this encyclopedic reference book. It was with these ships and vessels that Russia waged the war with Japan in 1904-1905 and with Germany and Turkey in 1914-1917.
For the first time in the home reference literature the Russian ships and vessels are classified here by classes, types and series and not by the theaters of naval operations. Most of the 280 ships' side elevations are presented here for the first time. Information on historical destinies of ships and their performances have been refined considerably.
This encyclopedic reference book provides an accurate estimate of Russian sea-born forces of late XIX - early XX centuries. Considerable study of information contained herein allows definite conclusions refuting many stable historical myths and stereotypes. The Reference book is of primary interest to the readers interested in the history of the Russian Fleet and naval shipbuilding as well as ship model makers.
Programs of construction of the Russian Fleet in 1881-1917
Artillery ships
Fleet battleships, linear battleships, battle cruisers
Belted and protected cruisers
Second rank cruisers
Coast defense battleships
Gun boats
Torpedo ships
Torpedo boats
Torpedo cruisers and torpedo boat destroyers
Mine warfare ships
Torpedo depot ships and mine layers
Net layers
Mine sweepers
Yachts, avisos and patrol vessels
Patrol vessels
Training and transport ships
Training ships
Sea plane carriers
Transport ships
Formal classification of the Russian Fleet ships
Mine and torpedo armament of the Russian Fleet
Russian Fleet Artillery in 1904-1917
Russian Coast Guard
Russian Squadron at Bizerte (1920-24)
Traditional names of Russian ships
Ships' names directory
334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations
Hardcover, format 220 x 290 mm, 334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations.
Data on more than a thousand Russian combat ships and auxiliary vessels are given in this encyclopedic reference book. It was with these ships and vessels that Russia waged the war with Japan in 1904-1905 and with Germany and Turkey in 1914-1917.
For the first time in the home reference literature the Russian ships and vessels are classified here by classes, types and series and not by the theaters of naval operations. Most of the 280 ships' side elevations are presented here for the first time. Information on historical destinies of ships and their performances have been refined considerably.
This encyclopedic reference book provides an accurate estimate of Russian sea-born forces of late XIX - early XX centuries. Considerable study of information contained herein allows definite conclusions refuting many stable historical myths and stereotypes. The Reference book is of primary interest to the readers interested in the history of the Russian Fleet and naval shipbuilding as well as ship model makers.
Programs of construction of the Russian Fleet in 1881-1917
Artillery ships
Fleet battleships, linear battleships, battle cruisers
Belted and protected cruisers
Second rank cruisers
Coast defense battleships
Gun boats
Torpedo ships
Torpedo boats
Torpedo cruisers and torpedo boat destroyers
Mine warfare ships
Torpedo depot ships and mine layers
Net layers
Mine sweepers
Yachts, avisos and patrol vessels
Patrol vessels
Training and transport ships
Training ships
Sea plane carriers
Transport ships
Formal classification of the Russian Fleet ships
Mine and torpedo armament of the Russian Fleet
Russian Fleet Artillery in 1904-1917
Russian Coast Guard
Russian Squadron at Bizerte (1920-24)
Traditional names of Russian ships
Ships' names directory
334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations
Hardcover, format 220 x 290 mm, 334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations.
Data on more than a thousand Russian combat ships and auxiliary vessels are given in this encyclopedic reference book. It was with these ships and vessels that Russia waged the war with Japan in 1904-1905 and with Germany and Turkey in 1914-1917.
For the first time in the home reference literature the Russian ships and vessels are classified here by classes, types and series and not by the theaters of naval operations. Most of the 280 ships' side elevations are presented here for the first time. Information on historical destinies of ships and their performances have been refined considerably.
This encyclopedic reference book provides an accurate estimate of Russian sea-born forces of late XIX - early XX centuries. Considerable study of information contained herein allows definite conclusions refuting many stable historical myths and stereotypes. The Reference book is of primary interest to the readers interested in the history of the Russian Fleet and naval shipbuilding as well as ship model makers.
Programs of construction of the Russian Fleet in 1881-1917
Artillery ships
Fleet battleships, linear battleships, battle cruisers
Belted and protected cruisers
Second rank cruisers
Coast defense battleships
Gun boats
Torpedo ships
Torpedo boats
Torpedo cruisers and torpedo boat destroyers
Mine warfare ships
Torpedo depot ships and mine layers
Net layers
Mine sweepers
Yachts, avisos and patrol vessels
Patrol vessels
Training and transport ships
Training ships
Sea plane carriers
Transport ships
Formal classification of the Russian Fleet ships
Mine and torpedo armament of the Russian Fleet
Russian Fleet Artillery in 1904-1917
Russian Coast Guard
Russian Squadron at Bizerte (1920-24)
Traditional names of Russian ships
Ships' names directory
334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations
Hardcover, format 220 x 290 mm, 334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations.
Data on more than a thousand Russian combat ships and auxiliary vessels are given in this encyclopedic reference book. It was with these ships and vessels that Russia waged the war with Japan in 1904-1905 and with Germany and Turkey in 1914-1917.
For the first time in the home reference literature the Russian ships and vessels are classified here by classes, types and series and not by the theaters of naval operations. Most of the 280 ships' side elevations are presented here for the first time. Information on historical destinies of ships and their performances have been refined considerably.
This encyclopedic reference book provides an accurate estimate of Russian sea-born forces of late XIX - early XX centuries. Considerable study of information contained herein allows definite conclusions refuting many stable historical myths and stereotypes. The Reference book is of primary interest to the readers interested in the history of the Russian Fleet and naval shipbuilding as well as ship model makers.
Programs of construction of the Russian Fleet in 1881-1917
Artillery ships
Fleet battleships, linear battleships, battle cruisers
Belted and protected cruisers
Second rank cruisers
Coast defense battleships
Gun boats
Torpedo ships
Torpedo boats
Torpedo cruisers and torpedo boat destroyers
Mine warfare ships
Torpedo depot ships and mine layers
Net layers
Mine sweepers
Yachts, avisos and patrol vessels
Patrol vessels
Training and transport ships
Training ships
Sea plane carriers
Transport ships
Formal classification of the Russian Fleet ships
Mine and torpedo armament of the Russian Fleet
Russian Fleet Artillery in 1904-1917
Russian Coast Guard
Russian Squadron at Bizerte (1920-24)
Traditional names of Russian ships
Ships' names directory
334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations
Hardcover, format 220 x 290 mm, 334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations.
Data on more than a thousand Russian combat ships and auxiliary vessels are given in this encyclopedic reference book. It was with these ships and vessels that Russia waged the war with Japan in 1904-1905 and with Germany and Turkey in 1914-1917.
For the first time in the home reference literature the Russian ships and vessels are classified here by classes, types and series and not by the theaters of naval operations. Most of the 280 ships' side elevations are presented here for the first time. Information on historical destinies of ships and their performances have been refined considerably.
This encyclopedic reference book provides an accurate estimate of Russian sea-born forces of late XIX - early XX centuries. Considerable study of information contained herein allows definite conclusions refuting many stable historical myths and stereotypes. The Reference book is of primary interest to the readers interested in the history of the Russian Fleet and naval shipbuilding as well as ship model makers.
Programs of construction of the Russian Fleet in 1881-1917
Artillery ships
Fleet battleships, linear battleships, battle cruisers
Belted and protected cruisers
Second rank cruisers
Coast defense battleships
Gun boats
Torpedo ships
Torpedo boats
Torpedo cruisers and torpedo boat destroyers
Mine warfare ships
Torpedo depot ships and mine layers
Net layers
Mine sweepers
Yachts, avisos and patrol vessels
Patrol vessels
Training and transport ships
Training ships
Sea plane carriers
Transport ships
Formal classification of the Russian Fleet ships
Mine and torpedo armament of the Russian Fleet
Russian Fleet Artillery in 1904-1917
Russian Coast Guard
Russian Squadron at Bizerte (1920-24)
Traditional names of Russian ships
Ships' names directory
334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations
Hardcover, format 220 x 290 mm, 334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations.
Data on more than a thousand Russian combat ships and auxiliary vessels are given in this encyclopedic reference book. It was with these ships and vessels that Russia waged the war with Japan in 1904-1905 and with Germany and Turkey in 1914-1917.
For the first time in the home reference literature the Russian ships and vessels are classified here by classes, types and series and not by the theaters of naval operations. Most of the 280 ships' side elevations are presented here for the first time. Information on historical destinies of ships and their performances have been refined considerably.
This encyclopedic reference book provides an accurate estimate of Russian sea-born forces of late XIX - early XX centuries. Considerable study of information contained herein allows definite conclusions refuting many stable historical myths and stereotypes. The Reference book is of primary interest to the readers interested in the history of the Russian Fleet and naval shipbuilding as well as ship model makers.
Programs of construction of the Russian Fleet in 1881-1917
Artillery ships
Fleet battleships, linear battleships, battle cruisers
Belted and protected cruisers
Second rank cruisers
Coast defense battleships
Gun boats
Torpedo ships
Torpedo boats
Torpedo cruisers and torpedo boat destroyers
Mine warfare ships
Torpedo depot ships and mine layers
Net layers
Mine sweepers
Yachts, avisos and patrol vessels
Patrol vessels
Training and transport ships
Training ships
Sea plane carriers
Transport ships
Formal classification of the Russian Fleet ships
Mine and torpedo armament of the Russian Fleet
Russian Fleet Artillery in 1904-1917
Russian Coast Guard
Russian Squadron at Bizerte (1920-24)
Traditional names of Russian ships
Ships' names directory
334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations
Hardcover, format 220 x 290 mm, 334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations.
Data on more than a thousand Russian combat ships and auxiliary vessels are given in this encyclopedic reference book. It was with these ships and vessels that Russia waged the war with Japan in 1904-1905 and with Germany and Turkey in 1914-1917.
For the first time in the home reference literature the Russian ships and vessels are classified here by classes, types and series and not by the theaters of naval operations. Most of the 280 ships' side elevations are presented here for the first time. Information on historical destinies of ships and their performances have been refined considerably.
This encyclopedic reference book provides an accurate estimate of Russian sea-born forces of late XIX - early XX centuries. Considerable study of information contained herein allows definite conclusions refuting many stable historical myths and stereotypes. The Reference book is of primary interest to the readers interested in the history of the Russian Fleet and naval shipbuilding as well as ship model makers.
Programs of construction of the Russian Fleet in 1881-1917
Artillery ships
Fleet battleships, linear battleships, battle cruisers
Belted and protected cruisers
Second rank cruisers
Coast defense battleships
Gun boats
Torpedo ships
Torpedo boats
Torpedo cruisers and torpedo boat destroyers
Mine warfare ships
Torpedo depot ships and mine layers
Net layers
Mine sweepers
Yachts, avisos and patrol vessels
Patrol vessels
Training and transport ships
Training ships
Sea plane carriers
Transport ships
Formal classification of the Russian Fleet ships
Mine and torpedo armament of the Russian Fleet
Russian Fleet Artillery in 1904-1917
Russian Coast Guard
Russian Squadron at Bizerte (1920-24)
Traditional names of Russian ships
Ships' names directory
334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations
Hardcover, format 220 x 290 mm, 334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations.
Data on more than a thousand Russian combat ships and auxiliary vessels are given in this encyclopedic reference book. It was with these ships and vessels that Russia waged the war with Japan in 1904-1905 and with Germany and Turkey in 1914-1917.
For the first time in the home reference literature the Russian ships and vessels are classified here by classes, types and series and not by the theaters of naval operations. Most of the 280 ships' side elevations are presented here for the first time. Information on historical destinies of ships and their performances have been refined considerably.
This encyclopedic reference book provides an accurate estimate of Russian sea-born forces of late XIX - early XX centuries. Considerable study of information contained herein allows definite conclusions refuting many stable historical myths and stereotypes. The Reference book is of primary interest to the readers interested in the history of the Russian Fleet and naval shipbuilding as well as ship model makers.
Programs of construction of the Russian Fleet in 1881-1917
Artillery ships
Fleet battleships, linear battleships, battle cruisers
Belted and protected cruisers
Second rank cruisers
Coast defense battleships
Gun boats
Torpedo ships
Torpedo boats
Torpedo cruisers and torpedo boat destroyers
Mine warfare ships
Torpedo depot ships and mine layers
Net layers
Mine sweepers
Yachts, avisos and patrol vessels
Patrol vessels
Training and transport ships
Training ships
Sea plane carriers
Transport ships
Formal classification of the Russian Fleet ships
Mine and torpedo armament of the Russian Fleet
Russian Fleet Artillery in 1904-1917
Russian Coast Guard
Russian Squadron at Bizerte (1920-24)
Traditional names of Russian ships
Ships' names directory
334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations
Hardcover, format 220 x 290 mm, 334 pages, 96 photographs, 48 illustrations, 280 ship's side elevations.
Data on more than a thousand Russian combat ships and auxiliary vessels are given in this encyclopedic reference book. It was with these ships and vessels that Russia waged the war with Japan in 1904-1905 and with Germany and Turkey in 1914-1917.
For the first time in the home reference literature the Russian ships and vessels are classified here by classes, types and series and not by the theaters of naval operations. Most of the 280 ships' side elevations are presented here for the first time. Information on historical destinies of ships and their performances have been refined considerably.
This encyclopedic reference book provides an accurate estimate of Russian sea-born forces of late XIX - early XX centuries. Considerable study of information contained herein allows definite conclusions refuting many stable historical myths and stereotypes. The Reference book is of primary interest to the readers interested in the history of the Russian Fleet and naval shipbuild

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OTH-050 The Ships of the Imperial Russian Navy 1892-1917 Encyclopedia

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